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Alvin Doegolia - Life Insurance Broker

The purpose of life insurance is to provide protection for everyone, offering a wide range - of coverage for both personal and financial security..

My goal is to inform every individual who visits this website about the significance of life insurance. On this site, you will find clear explanations and illustrations highlighting the advantages of having life insurance.


Types of life insurance

Final Expense

Final expense life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides a cash payout if the policyholder dies within a specific period of time, usually within a year. The cash payout is intended to cover the policyholder's final expenses, such as funeral expenses.

Mortgage Protection

Mortgage Protection Life insurance is a life insurance policy that helps insulate the family from the economic effects of a spouse's premature death. The policy pays a death benefit if the policyholder's spouse dies before the policy's expiration date.

Indexed Universal Life

An indexed universal life insurance policy is a type of life insurance policy that gives the policyholder the opportunity to allocate cash value amounts to either a fixed account or an equity index account. Indexed policies offer a variety of popular indexes to choose from, such as the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100.

Fixed Indexed Annuity

A fixed indexed annuity is a type of insurance product that combines features of both a fixed annuity and an indexed annuity. It offers a guaranteed minimum interest rate, while also giving the potential for higher returns based on the performance of a stock market index, such as the S&P 500. The investment risk and market exposure is borne by the insurance company, not the policyholder.